All characters besides Brittany, Reno, Cain, Shadow, Anderson, Emporer Klegghorn, and Marisol belong to Disney; the characters previously listed belong to me. Copyright 1997. "You're a shadow of me, what I used to be, you're fading and I still don't know why..." -Gravity Kills, Goodbye. "Sides of a Coin: Shadow Cast". Chapter 2: Sadistic Souls Canard exhaled as slowly as he could, fighting back the fatigue which lurked, everpresnt, an undercurrent of his thoughts. Never in his life had he felt so beaten down. "So much for our calculations." he commented to the Nega- Mallory, with a bitter laugh. "Cain still followed us." In a futile effort to comfort him, Nega-Mal patted his shoulder and turned to the still bewildered Ducks who were watching her as if at any minute she might morph into a Saurian. Considering what she knew of Saurians, that was hardly surprising. "I'm sorry about this," she murmured, mostly to herself, nervously wringing her hands, "us busting in on you and all. My name is Marisol for now," she glanced up at Nosedive for approval, accepting the slight smile he gave her with a faint grin, "y'know, to prevent confusion? Anyway, me and Canard- " "'Canard and I.'" Canard corrected, not bothering to open his eyes and therefore face the migrane looming overhead. Overdramatically rolling her eyes, Marisol contienued "We came to warn you that Emperor James Klegghorn is about to enter this universe and try to either add it to his collection of lands, or destroy it." "Oh, is that all?" Mallory replied, a tinge of sarcasm souring her tone. "That doesn't answer my question." noted Wildwing, watching his best friend through narrowed eyes. After years of association with Canard, he knew when the older Duck was keeping something from him. "How did you get here?" Canard winced; he had been dreading having to answer that question ever since learning that this trip was going to be mandatory. Once Wildwing learned of exactly what Nosedive had done, had been forced to do, in the Negaverse... It wasn't going to be pleasant. "Nosedive, go check on the kid." Grimly sketching a mock salute with a particularly sardonic smirk, Nosedive complied. Canard drew in another breath, ignoring the increasingly bewildered atmosphere of the kitchen. "Was that necessary?" Grin spoke for the first time in the last hectic hour, and there was a look on his face that might have been disapproval, if he hadn't meditated himself past that point long ago. "Yeah." Tilting his head back to look at the ceiling, Canard added "Why bother telling him when he already knows enough already?" *** Unconsciousness clung to Shadow like tar, holding him back, keeping him from waking. Frankly, Shadow couldn't protest. The thought of his brother, waiting in reality with his malicious anger and that awful, knowing smile, made the young Duck shudder. Shadow thought, with the serenity that semiconsciousness always brought. The truth was, he'd never had the courage to risk survival, to face Wildwing's wrath upon waking. It had happened before; Shadow still bore the scars. After that, the energy required to inflict such pain on himself had never resurfaced again. Biting back the rising guilt which meant that he was close to waking, Shadow took a ragged breath and tried not to let the pain cut so deep. Automatically wishing to numb the pain which never totally left, Shadow reached out to grab the bottle of pills he kept on the floor near the mattress which served as his bed. he thought abruptly, still searching empty air with a lack of concentration unusual even for him, Confused, but not distressed enough to actually open his eyes, Shadow let his hand drop and realized that the floor wasn't their either. "Don't bother looking, there isn't a gun there." The sudden sound of an unfamiliar male voice made Shadow open his eyes, to find himself vunerable in unfamiliar territory. "Who are you?" he demanded of the slim, blond individual lounging against the wall. As a result of its misuse, his voice couldn't warp itself into a threatening tone; the closest it came was a weary, harsh rasp that sounded as if he had been swallowing wallpaper. Effortlessly striding to where Shadow lay, the blond Duck met his counterpart's haunted eyes. "My name's Nosedive Flashblade." Shadow stared at the heathier, more innocent version of himself, then leaned his head against the ungiving backboard of the medical cot. "Yeah," he sat up with a wince, "and you're the reason Wildwi-... Cain... has been trying to kill me for the last month. You're the traitor." *** "It's scientifically impossible." Tanya argued, shaking her head in an attempt to clear away what Canard had told her to find the solid truth. "First of all, if as much alcohal was thrown around as you said the blast would've taken out two blocks, not just a few buildings. No one could've survived if they were in the bar, so if 'Shadow' was that close to the fire he would've been killed, or at least scarred, but judging from readings Drake1 took he's in basically good heath!" At last, she had to pause for breath, but before she could continue Mallory spoke. "It's probably my job to say that Nosedive isn't idiotic enough to pull a stunt like that, but considering the last year... I can't." Irked, Marisol glared at her 'twin' and sniffed. "I thought it was brave." "You would." was Canard's darkly amused comment, as he shifted to keep his face partially hidden by a hand. Still somewhat overwhelmed by the entire affair, Wildwing shook his head and sighed. "It's going to be a really bad year." Canard glanced up at Grin, and smiled without humor. "I think it's your turn to say something." The huge gray Duck just shrugged, remaining as neutral as always. "I'll save it for later." Watching the somewhat ordered chaos with a bleak smirk, Duke L'Orange managed a bleak smirk of his own as he thought, *** The small amount of shock on Nosedive's face was a slight comfort to Shadow, although not much consolation for the last month's pain. "How did you figure that out?" Completely ignoring that, Shadow bared his teeth slightly with a snarl. "Why did you have to torch Gary's? Why did you have to do it in my body, and make Wildwing blame me? What did I ever do to you?" When Nosedive met his eyes again, any compassion for his counterpart's suffering was gone. "If you think I'm going to feel guilty because you're a masochistic idiot who doesn't know enough to run from someone who's smacking them around, you're so wrong it's not even funny." "You think I could run? With Wildwing breathing down my neck 24/7? He chains me to whatever piece of furniture that won't move and leaves me there for days!" A quick glint of pain at that image shot through the 'good' Duck's expression at that, but it was instantly gone. "Right. Buy yourself a Hallmark card and get over it, pal, 'cause you're in a lot more trouble than that right now." A small, rational corner in the back of Nosedive's mind muttered that he was being unreasonable; Shadow was just a victim, like he himself had been only a few years ago. The Negaverse boy was just what his name implied, a Shadow, of things past and things still present in the darkest parts of Nosedive's own mind. Nosedive didn't enjoy being reminded of his own shortcomings at three in the morning, especially when that personification of his id was blaming him for his pain. "What do you mean?" the dark side teen growled, wishing he had at least one joint to steady him, to make his hands stop trembling, and to force the nausea back. "I mean that Cain, or Wildwing or whatever he calls himself, is lurking around somewhere in Anaheim and he will track you down, and then he will kill you, if he gets past our security systems." "No!" Shadow drew into himself, unwilling to face the truth which threatened to shatter what little stability he had, the constancy of Wildwing's abuse. "He'd never kill me. He wouldn't go that far." Closing his eyes, Nosedive took a step back. The thought that he had very nearly been trapped with his father, just as Shadow had been trapped with Cain, sickened Nosedive so severely that he re-opened his eyes to push the thought out of his mental reach. "I could've killed you just then." Shadow spoke to the table, although his words were directed at his 'twin'. "But you didn't." "I'm not like Cain." Settling himself so that the side of his face rested of his knees, Shadow murmured to himself, "I never will be." *** The man known as Cain spat over the side of the hotel room balcony overlooking Anaheim and looked sideways at Duke 'Anderson'. "Any news from the freak?" The assassin shrugged noncommitally. "No." "Hmm." Cain crossed his arms over his broad chest and stared into the night with a hunter's intensity. "Probably not the best idea to send the traitor after the people he betrayed you to." Irritated with Anderson's impudence, Cain had turned to snarl at him when the hotel room's door opened. A tall, thin man with blazing red hair, a flowing black cape over black body armor, and icy dark eyes glided into the room. Startled out of gazing into eternity, the Nega-Tanya fell to her knees. Allowing a cruel smirk to etch itself on his face, Nega- Grin, whose current codename was Reno, inclined at the waist. Knowing it was the only way to keep his skull attached to his spinal column, Cain bowed as well, gritting his teeth as he did so. "Emperor Klegghorn." "Hey, Jim." Anderson commented with a lazy carelessness that should have cost him his life long ago. Instead, Klegghorn replied solemnly , "Good evening, Duke. Cain, where is your brat with the reports?" "He hasn't returned since last night, sir." The title of respect seemed to burn Cain's mouth; he had to practically spit the word at his superior. "Hmm. That is distressing. I trust you will deal with him for the delays when he gets back?" Tanya, known as Brittany in any criminal records kept by Canard, looked up at the human emperor through a veil of hair as he paused at her side. "Tanya," Klegghorn said, softly enough that none but himself and she could hear, "you could be my wife if you would just agree on the terms." Forcing an inane giggle, Brittany inquired "Have you seen my doll collection? Missy is really very pretty." Klegghorn stared at her for a moment longer, then shrugged and moved on. "I'll be glad to hunt the punk down." Reno rumbled, a nasty look in his eyes that Brittany didn't approve of in the slightest. "We don't have time." Cain snapped, angry with Shadow for making such an error for Klegghorn to jab at. Once thing was certain, he'd be sure it would never happen again. "We've got bombs to plant. Anderson, you with me so that the local law doesn't interfere. Brittany, Reno..." The red eyes of the Mask narrowed as they skinned over both of their faces, "stay here and guard." As the hotel room door closed, Brittany noticed the leer Reno was aiming at her and couldn't suppress a shudder. Next Time- The Call of Duty.